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Without wishing to sound in the least evasive, it is really very difficult to give an average price per job, as costs vary enormously depending on the type of books you'd like, the quality of the binding, how specific you are about the subject matter and the quantities you need.

Give us a call or drop in, with an idea of how many feet or metres of shelf space you need to fill - as a rough estimate about 35 hardbacks or between 60 and 70 paperbacks fill 1 metre of space - and we can have a chat about what we can do for you.

We are open Monday to Saturday, 10.30am - 6pm 
(ring us to make sure we're around during July and August, as the shop is closed to the public on Mondays Tuesdays and Wednesdays for stock- and holiday-taking)

95 Bell Street, London NW1 6TL (click here for a map)

00 44 + 207 7240876

or email us